Singletrack mileage: 15 mi
Double track mileage: 13 mi
Fee: Suggested donation of $5.00 at the trailhead.
Map availability: Signage at trail head and at some trail intersections.
Winter biking: YES. Stay on singletrack and stay off groomed ski trails.

The Chippewa County forest offers a technical mountain biking experience. The absolute wilderness lets riders experience adventures through steep hills and valleys, over rocky terrain and circling glacial lakes.
The Hickory Ridge mountain bike trails are contained within a large tract of Chippewa County Forest land that has been utilized for recreation for a number of years. This same area includes 27 kilometers of cross country ski trails, groomed by the Friends of Hickory Ridge. It is with the cooperation of the Friends of Hickory Ridge that the mountain bike trail system was started a number of years ago. The topography, soil type and landforms make this area perfect for future mountain bike trail development. CORBA has begun investing a lot of time and energy into expanding these trails, as the substantial acreage, will make for epic singletrack experiences.
Trail Status
Trail Map
Approximately 15 miles of existing, mapped, signed singletrack trails exist at Hickory Ridge.
Singletrack Trail Map: The below map highlights the singletrack trail system:

Driving Directions
Here is a map to the Hickory Ridge Ski Trail parking lot (located on 225th Ave.):