2023 CORBA Annual Meeting

This is CORBA’s official “business” meeting for members where we provide detailed information about the state of the organization, what we’ve worked on during the previous year, and our plans for the upcoming year. We have

CORBA 2022 Annual Member Meeting

On March 9, 2022, CORBA will hold its Annual Member Meeting, virtually, via Zoom. Meeting access details will be sent to all members prior to the meeting. The meeting will begin at 6:30 pm. This is

Fall Back Blast: Hybrid Version

This year it’s the best of both worlds. Virtual and In-Person for the Fall Back Blast. So you’ll still get that extra hour of sleep. Learn more: https://corbatrails.org/events/fall-back-blast-2021/

River Doc Trail Development

The River Doc Trail system is coming along nicely. We have about 3 miles of corridor cut that is ready for finish work.  A schedule for trail work has been set up. Saturday mornings from 9

Upcoming Events

Watch for the registration for both the Hickory Ridge Rush and the Fall Back Blast to open soon!

CORBA Event Planning Meeting

CORBA has been holding regular planning meetings this year to encourage more people to get involved in our fundraising activities. Please join us on Monday, August 2nd at 8pm (to avoid conflicting with MNGR). This meeting

CORBA’s Monday Night Group Ride

For many years, CORBA has organized a regular Monday Night Group Ride at Lowes Creek County Park. The ride is open to anyone that wants to join us, whether a member of CORBA or not, and

2021 Red Flint Firecracker

The 2021 Red Flint Firecracker is coming up fast. Learn more, sign up, and get your socks! The hybrid event runs June 25th – July 4th and includes an in-person, live event on July 3rd. Event

CORBA Annual Members’ Meeting and Election Results

CORBA held it’s Annual Members’ Meeting and elections last night via Zoom. Thank you to all members who attended. Like everything else this past year, this meeting was not our normal Members’ Meeting where we usually

Registration is now open for the 2021 Powder Keg.

The Powder Keg runs from Feb 12th – Feb 21st so plenty of time to snowshoe, fat bike and cross country ski! See our event page for more details and registration links: https://corbatrails.org/events/2021-powder-keg/

CORBA 2020 Member Year End Party

he 2020 Year End Member Party will be taking place on December 9th and as with everything else this year it will be held virtually via Zoom. There will be a short Board meeting beginning at

Fall Back Blast 2020 Virtual

The 2020 Fall Back Blast has gone virtual just like all of our previous events before March of this year. The benefits include being able to pick your day, time, and weather from October 31st through