John Strosahl

Jon Strosahl

Trails Director

Hello I’m Jon Strosahl, 41 years old, married with two children ages 12, and 10. It was 15 years ago now that I decided to kick cigarettes to the curb and take up mountain biking, and I’ve been benefitting from that decision every day of my life. Activities in the woods including biking or hiking with the family, running our two yellow labs, camping and exploring new areas are all on my top 10 list.

I am an engineer by trade, a carpenter in a previous life, and love working with my hands. I’ve engineered and designed things small enough to fit in your hand, and big enough to park a Boeing 747 in. I have a dirty fingernails mentality, a go and see type of person, and love to learn. Thinking back on all the bikes, all the miles, all the steps, and all the experiences with friends new and old put a smile on my face, which is why I continue to be an active member of the outdoor community. Although I had been a CORBA member since 2009, it wasn’t until 2020 when I accepted a more active role in the form of Trail Liaison for Northwest Park. Building on the knowledge shared from the trail builders who came before me and with a few tools in hand, I went to work. We sure have done a lot in three short years, building teeter-totters, berms from dirt and wood, cutting new trail with our mini-ex and skid steer, the list is long and but the list of those who benefit is even longer!