Jereme Rauckman

Jereme Rauckman

Member at Large

Jereme and his wife Kim have two sons – Jonah and Jack – and two dogs – Mabel and Ranger. They are long-time Eau Claire residents and CORBA members. The love mountain biking, trail running, snowshoeing, skiing, and dog-walking the local trails and try to volunteer when they can. Kim, Jonah, and and Jereme coach or have coached with the Eau Claire Youth Cycling team. All four have pitched in at a trail day or two. And every so often, you might see them at an event registration table or marshaling a course. Professionally, his background is in small, family-run businesses. Admittedly a jack of many trades and master of none, he has just enough experience to be at least a little helpful making an org like CORBA tick – organizing systems and people, marketing, bookkeeping, IT, planning, communications, governance, etc. Jereme also likes photography, adventure racing, weightlifting, and horror movies.

In the past Jereme has served the CORBA board for years in seats including president, secretary, and treasurer. During that time, he was also a Powder Keg race director in it’s first several winters, race director for the 2015 Snowshoe Nationals, and Firecracker co-director for a year when it was still part of WORS. Jereme has been through TDS’ Trail Master Certification course twice. He is currently the Secretary and Treasurer and Team Director of Eau Claire Youth Cycling, helping lead the program, which serves around 65 student athletes and 30 volunteer coaches each year.  He’s also involved with the Wisconsin Interscholastic Cycling League, as a Core Staff member for their events and a Team Lead Mentor, helping guide team directors and head coaches that are new to the League. Jereme also previously served on the League’s finance committee and is a Coach Supporter, leading on-the-bike skills clinics for coaches.