Powder Keg

February 18th, 2023

Intro sentence that describes the event. Intro sentence that describes the event. Intro sentence that describes the event. Intro sentence that describes the event. Intro sentence that describes the event. Intro sentence that describes the event.

Packet Pickup

Participants can pick up their packets on Friday, Feb 17th at Modicum Brewing from 5-8PM or before the race on Saturday.

Volunteering for Powder Keg

Events like the Powder Keg cannot happen without the help of volunteers. If you’re interested in volunteering for the event, please click the link below and sign up for a volunteer spot.


Lowes Creek County Park


February 18th, 2023


Snowshoe Race
Fat Tire Bike Race
Cross Country Ski Race


For more information or sponsorship
opportunities, please email


Photos by Andrea Paulseth courtesy of Volume One