
Make a donation to CORBA to make sure XYZ is funded, and we spend the money this way.

Existing Text:

If you love our trails and want to support the ongoing maintenance of them, please consider a donation! Your donation to CORBA Trails, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, allows us to continue to build and maintain our year-round trail systems. We your support, we can continue our mission of building trails for all in the Chippewa Valley.

Make a Donation to CORBA


Why Donate?
CORBA has a vision for the future of Chippewa Valley outdoors, and we’re working hard to achieve it. Your donations make all of this possible.

Where does the money go?
We put on several events, spearhead community projects, and we build and maintain many of the Chippewa Valley’s bike trails and parks…

Is it tax deductible?
CORBA is a 501c3 non-profit, so you when you do your taxes, be sure to do XYZ to deduct this donation…

Consider a Sponsorship
Are you donating on behalf of a business? Consider leveling-up with a sponsorship.

More info here »

Have Questions?
Email Us:

Or Donate to a CORBA Project

City Wells Project

City Wells

Formalize the city-owned trail system at the Wells to provide the community with a welcoming and enjoyable outdoor experience for hikers, mountain bikers, snowshoers, XC skiers, and other silent sport enthusiasts.