CORBA 2022 Annual Member Meeting

On March 9, 2022, CORBA will hold its Annual Member Meeting, virtually, via Zoom. Meeting access details will be sent to all members prior to the meeting. The meeting will begin at 6:30 pm.

This is CORBA’s official “business” meeting for members where we provide detailed information about the state of the organization, what we’ve worked on during the previous year, and our plans for the upcoming year. We have a lot of exciting projects and events in the works that we are looking forward to informing members about.

Member input, ideas, and feedback are always welcome, but this meeting is more intended to provide information to members rather than receive input from them. Our monthly board meetings are the best opportunity for member input.

The Annual Member Meeting is also where we hold our elections for board membership positions. All current members in good standing are eligible to vote and are highly encouraged to do so. We have a number of positions that will be on the ballot this year. If you would like to run for any of these positions, please let us know by email ( and we will get you on the ballot. Deadline for letting us know of your candidacy is Feb. 28. You must be a current member of CORBA to be put on the ballot.

If you are interested in running for any position, please prepare a paragraph of introduction for yourself and a brief statement on what position you would like to run for, what your qualifications are, and why you would like to hold this position.

Positions up for election:


  • Vice President: Currently held by Laura Plummer. After many, many years on the CORBA board, Laura is not seeking re-election.
  • Secretary: Currently held by Jenny Pederson. After two terms as Secretary, Jenny is not running for re-election.
  • Trails Director: Currently held by Jay Plummer. After many, many years on the CORBA board, Jay is not seeking re-election.

*Officers are elected to 2 year terms.

Board Members at Large*

  • Eau Claire County: Currently held by Bayli Cristorf. Bayli will not be running for re-election.
  • Chippewa County: Currently held by Bill Zimmerman. Bill will be running for another term.
  • Dunn County: Currently held by Jerry Porter. Jerry will be running for another term.
  • Barron County: Currently held by Ryan Urban. Ryan will be running for another term.

*Each County that CORBA has trails systems in has a Member at Large person on the board. These members are elected for 1 year terms.

Again, if interested in any of these positions, please let us know by Feb. 28. If you have any questions about any of these positions, do not hesitate to ask. Even though some of the incumbents are running again, you are still welcome to put your name on the ballot for any of these positions and run against them.

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